Eating is not the enemy
Eating enough calories can make or break your progress

What Am I Eating?

I will save the full story of how I damaged my metabolism for another day. In a nutshell, I was inadvertently eating an unhealthily low amount of calories for months on end. In return, my metabolism had to match the amount of fuel it was being given and slowed down.


My daily caloric expenditure was and is anywhere between 2000-2500 calories. When you don’t fuel accordingly, your metabolism slows down.


After YEARS of getting my metabolism on track, I have landed in a much healthier caloric intake range.


Now I aim to eat between 2000-2500 calories, depending on the day. If my workload and gym activity were exceptionally high, I will eat more for that day.


My macros range between 120-145g of protein, 65-80g of fat and 220-290g of carbs. Again, these are just ranges I aim for depending on the day.


Renaissance Periodization has been a big help with keeping my macros balanced and on track. They have meal templates and a food tracking app that is super helpful. You can use my code: ALEXIS to get a discount on the meal templates or the app.



How I Currently Workout

Here is what works for me in the gym these days, I hope you find it useful.

If you are familiar with my Instagram, it’s no secret fitness is my thing. I post workouts on there almost daily, usually the WOD’s or conditioning portion of my workout for the day. I get asked almost daily, “Is this all you do, or do you do anything besides the WOD?” So here is my answer:

I workout 5 days a week, 60-90 minutes. I begin with a warm up, involving dynamic stretches and activation techniques. The warm up is anywhere between 5-10 minutes.

Following the warm up, I focus on strength training paired with a skill or gymnastic movement. For example: deadlifts 5×5 superset with ring dips 5×10. I rest as needed, maybe 60-120”. If I have time, I will work on another accessory or skill.

I try to begin my WOD or conditioning by the 50-60 minute mark. These workouts take anywhere between 10-30 minutes, depending on how it’s written. These workouts are fast-paced and require maximal effort. The WODs are what I look forward to in the morning! An example of a WOD is:

15 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

5 dumbbell clean and jerk (each arm) 55/35#

6 burpee box jumps (24/20″)

7 toes to bar

Wa-la! 15 minutes of those three movements over and over. I always keep track of my rounds in my workout journal as well. Its really helpful to look back on to see if there has been any progress if/when you try the WOD again.

So there you have it. That’s a typical day in the gym for me. I prefer to workout Sunday-Thursday and take Friday-Saturday off. I found it works best for me to take my two rest days consecutively for maximal recovery.