Train Like Alexis 1
Train Like Alexis 1
The wait is over.
After heavy demand, I created an 8-week program that 100% mirrors my style of training.
In this 8-week program, you will find full body workouts that involve 3 major strength days (back squats, sumo deadlifts and power cleans) and 2 functional skill days (kettlebell swings, turkish getups, box jumps, doubleunders, etc).
Each strength and skill days are followed by 10-30 minutes of conditioning “finishers”, aka WOD’s (workout of the day).
This “Crossfit-esque” program was designed for intermediate and advanced athletes.
If you are a beginner, I suggest starting with a reputable trainer, or attending class-based gyms or a Crossfit Box. With that being said, I have included modification exercises and scaled versions of the workouts.
Required Equipment:
Squat Rack
Bumper Plates
Wall Ball
Pullup Bar
Assault/Air Bike
This training program is a downloadable eBook so you can easily store it on your phone. After your completed purchase an email will be immediately sent to you with the download PDF.
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All Sales Are Final.
This is one of the most fun programs I’ve ever done! I like the way the workouts are structured with emphasis on strength and skill and overall conditioning. There’s enough variety to keep you interested and still chances to progressively overload. I bought all the TLA programs since I loved this one so much!
Loved it!
This programme has truely transformed my body
She is my favourite fitness influencer
Her training style is so enjoyable
She is also very knowledgeable and quick to respond ( though I don’t expect her to , as I know this life is difficult)
I looked forward to every workout because they each presented a new challenge. I came across TLA about 6 months ago and was a little intimidated, but was determined I was going to do it! My husband and I purchased a squat rack and various other equipment and converted our garage into a gym. I worked on getting reacquainted with the bar and improving my mobility for a few months before I purchased TLA 1. Performance wise I increased my strength but noticed the most dramatic changes in the WODs. Results wise I am more solid (I actually look like I workout) and my clothes fit looser. No changes in weight, but I wasn't looking to lose or gain weight. The main thing I focused on was performance and increasing my protein intake. I focused less on the whole how many calories did I burn type thing. Going in with that mentality is key. Fuel your body with foods that will aid in improving performance and the physical changes in your body are just something that happens as a result. My reward to myself is the purchase of TLA 2! Thank you Alexis!
Not one day disappointed. Absolutely loved it! Purchasing TLA 2.0 now!